Gendre: Action,Third Person Shooter
Format: PC, Mac, Linux, X-box 360 , PS3
Publisher: Running with Scissors
Developer: Akella
Release: end of 2011
Players: 1, Multiplayer(?)
Requirements: 3 GHz, 1 GB XP / 2GB Vista RAM, DirectX 9 compatible video card with 128 MB, Shader model 2.0. ATI X800, NVidia 6600 or better
Site: www.runningwithscissors.com/postal3
This is the much-anticipated title of Running with Scissors, a company which has no more than three titles! The Postal series became known for its excessive brutality and sadism that provide, with the climax in Postal 2 and its expansions: Share the Pain & Apocalypse Weekend. Now comes the third part of the series that promises to cripple us on our screens for many hours. But little has been announced by the company for its features and probably does so to surprise as much as possible the fans of the series.
Postal 3 is an exclusively third person action game, unlike its predecessors, which were first person and 3D isometric. In addition, the graphics engine used is the Source Engine, which will give very a good quality of graphics and "physics".
The story of this title continues from the end of the events of Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend. Your character, known as Postal Dude, has arrived in the city Catharsis, the neighboring town of Paradise City-which he blew up with a nuclear bomb! In this new city, our hero, if you can really call him like that, will try to make a new beginning, or rather a bloody beginning. In this town you will have the chance to meet some of the Playmates of the United States of America and other celebrities such as Owe Boll!
Postal III comes more updated than its predecessor both in the variety of weapons ad in the new ways to neutralize your opponents and ordinary citizens, who made the, fatal (?), mistake to get in your way or because you didn’t like their face or they walked in a weird manner. A typical of this title is that you can roam the city freely, entering homes, breaking windows of shops and, the better of all, the chance to wear the uniform of a policeman. With this outfit you will do anything you want even if it is illegal and you will have the assistance of other policemen. You can pick up dog food and donuts in order to attract accordingly dogs and policemen on your side. Gather pieces of pizza, donuts, hamburgers and many others to heal your character, eat cat-food to gain reflexes equivalent to those of a cat, grab cats and use them as a silencers to your weapons, urinate on your opponents and make them vomit, shoot cars and blast them and many other crazy things. But that's not all! Unlike its predecessor, this time you can be good or bad! If you do not use weapons and help the police, you will become a lawful citizen or else do the opposite and cause panic and fear. But beware, if you become the bad guy in the town you will be hunted by all: from a simple citizen to the army forces!
Within the large variety of weapons you will certainly stand out the gasoline tank, the bat with nails on top, the M60 machine gun and a badger with a very violent attitude! Also your character will have in his possession a small monkey which you will control with a laser pointer. With this you can disorient and distract your opponents and many other applications that the company has announced. Finally, there are introduced some special vehicles such as the «Segways», a type of a motor vehicle.
Postal 3 will be released in North America in 2011 on these platforms: Microsoft Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 but at a more later stage of the release. Given the violent content of his predecessors it has been banned in Australia and in many Muslim countries. This seems sure to happen again but not in Europe. In Europe we expect it to be released a few months after its release in North America, logically. More data upon its release have not yet been announced by the company. Little time is left until then and we wait anxiously for more information and most importantly a Demo.
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