Gendre: MMO
Publisher: Game&Game
Development: SDEnternet,Efusion
Release: February 8, 2006
Players: 2-128 in one game room
Site(s): /
Publisher: Game&Game
Development: SDEnternet,Efusion
Release: February 8, 2006
Players: 2-128 in one game room
Site(s): /
The game is downloaded from the site
Many of us like playing MMOs, however not many of us have the ability to invest money on them. So I here now present you a MMO that it is absolutely free and worth playing
To begin with Navyfield takes place in the years of WW II and is about the naval warfare of that time. You will be the captain of a ship doing all the necessary actions to survive the carnage of naval warfare.
After creating a new account and you download of course the client, all you have to do is log in an enter the game. You begin the game as a Neutral faction. This faction is introductory mainly, to get you familiarized with the concept.
There are five factions to choose from at the level 12.
Each nation has its bonuses and its weaknesses to give balance amongst them.
Also each nation has its own unique ships. What I mean is that if you choose the IJN fleet you will find yourself driving the Yamato or Akagi and all other ships.There are more nations planned to be added.
Ship Types
There are seven ship types to fight with.
FF is the codename for the Frigate class ships: Small and agile it is ideal for decoys and submarine hunting.
DD is the codename for the Destroyer class ships: Small yet bigger than the FF, ideal for submarine hunting and fight some Light cruisers.
CL is the codename for Light Cruiser class ships: Average size good against DDs and FFs, not a real threat though against all other type of ships.
CA is the codename for Heavy Cruisers class ships: Here the size gets bigger, good against previous types, yet it may be of disadvantage at close range. They can even pack a punch in some Battleships.
BB is the codename for Battleships: Those ships are sheer brute force, they can easily destroy any ship with one salvo. Firing from distance will leave little chance for any other ship to get in range.
CV is the codename for Aircraft Carriers: The rulers of the oceans. Can launch planes to attack battleships from above and yet be out of their range.
SS is the codename for the Submarines: These ships fire off torpedoes that cause huge amounts of damage, capable even to destroy a battleship. Being unable to get hit when submerged, they pose a real threat to any enemy. Their only weakness is FFs and DDs and the short periods of time being submerged.
DD is the codename for the Destroyer class ships: Small yet bigger than the FF, ideal for submarine hunting and fight some Light cruisers.
CL is the codename for Light Cruiser class ships: Average size good against DDs and FFs, not a real threat though against all other type of ships.
CA is the codename for Heavy Cruisers class ships: Here the size gets bigger, good against previous types, yet it may be of disadvantage at close range. They can even pack a punch in some Battleships.
BB is the codename for Battleships: Those ships are sheer brute force, they can easily destroy any ship with one salvo. Firing from distance will leave little chance for any other ship to get in range.
CV is the codename for Aircraft Carriers: The rulers of the oceans. Can launch planes to attack battleships from above and yet be out of their range.
SS is the codename for the Submarines: These ships fire off torpedoes that cause huge amounts of damage, capable even to destroy a battleship. Being unable to get hit when submerged, they pose a real threat to any enemy. Their only weakness is FFs and DDs and the short periods of time being submerged.
Sailors are the ones that keep the ship firing and running. There different types of sailors.
They are devided in classes:

Below you will see the Armament sailor divisions:

AA Gunners: Are gunners used to provide AntiAircraft cover to all ships. The better their level the better they reload.
Torpedo Gunners: These gunners fire torpedoes. A single torpedo is capable of destroying or crippling FFs, DDs and CLs. Many torpedoes can even sink a battleship. They are the main gunners for firing torpedoes in the Submarines. All submarines use far better torpedoes than that of the other ships.
Support sailor divisions.

Repairer: This sailor starts to repair the ship after it gets damage.
Restorer: This sailor increases the amount of damage that can be repaired.
Planesman: Important to SS ships to provide Oxygen.
Sonarman: Important in submarines to detect other SS and to increase their line of sight when submerged. Can be used in CLs and some CVs.
Special Forces divisions. Those are your pilots.

Dive Bomber Pilot: They throw bombs at enemy ships. They are a little slow but can easily sink any ship with ease.
Torpedo Bomber pilot: Torpedo bombers are good against small ships and submarines. But they are hard to master.
Paratroopers: These sailors are to be used only in Harbor Assaults. They dive from airplanes and fight to capture the enemy Harbor.
Landing forces: These sailors are to be used in Harbor Assaults. By boats they land and fight to capture the enemy harbor.

There is also a sailor called Radioman. As he advances in level you will be able to create a fleet of your own and fight with others for power and fun.
Navyfield’s gameplay offers a decent variety. You will be able to attack with cannons torpedoes and bombers (either dive bombers or torpedo bombers). Fighter planes are used for reconnaissance and (or) to counter enemy aircraft squadrons.
Each sailor increases level, something like an RPG style. Also each sailor has specific attributes. You can classify each sailor according to his attributes. For example if the sailor has a +12 attribute to Engine, then he is going to become a Support sailor and then an Engineer. To continue, the higher the level the better the sailor is. The faster he will repair, the more accurately he will fire ect. Also the BO’s level determines which ship you will be able to use. The higher the lever, the better ship you will unlock. However, a BO can use his previous ships and the one that of the path (CV, BB, SS path) you chose.
Furthermore, you can recruit sailors and start a new crew at a different nation or a different ship line. This allows the game to keep the interesting running. In each harbor you will be able to have 6 different ships.
After each battle you will get a screen that informs you on how much credits and points you earned and the experience your sailor got.
Points are used for recruiting sailors and renaming ships and sailors while credits are used for buying ships, ammo, planes, weapons and for buying sailors from other players.
Navyfield offers several types of games
Blitzkrieg: Ships that allowed here are of level below 60 to prevent overpowering battleships to wipe out all the small ones.
Great Battle: All join no restrictions, with max 20 BBs and 8 CVs the fight for supremacy begins.
Great Battle 2: Same as GB but with the difference that each team has a flagship. This ship is of great importance. The first team to lose its flagship has 5 minutes to sink the enemy flagship or else the will get no bonus experience points.
Night Battle: This map is a little darker than the other rooms. Same as GB.
Select Mode: Here you have the opportunity to select battles among FFs&DDs (no level limits just as long as you join with a DD or a FF),CA&CA, CAs&BBs, and CV. The restriction is the ship type you join not the level.
Normal Room: No restrictions, no limits…Ideal for total carnage.
Harbor Assault: This mode is available to fleets only. Getting a harbor will allow the occupying fleet free ship repairs and access to better unique ships, such as the Tirpitz.
We have to admit that graphics are not good. We are in 2010, a year in which lots of games come out with extremely nice graphics and at least lots of us would expect that MMOs should keep up with the current updates. You will see lots and lots of pixels, but you can neglect this fact since the game is so addicting.
However there is under development Navyfield 2 with better graphics and physics (weather conditions), but not much are published yet.
Generally, this is a nice game to spend your time on. To keep the interesting going, there are several items and ships you can purchase (with real money this time) for example some ships or sailors or even pay for a subscription (i have to remind you that this is not necessary) and get experience bonuses.
Pros: Deep and addicting, many things to keep the interest going
Cons: Bad graphics, at higher levels it will be hard to play without a subscription
Overall Grade: 7/10
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